850 Engagements trouvés

To develop capacity for foundation of collaboration between artists and the community of researchers

Travaux en cours

Make invitations to co-create easily accessible and enjoyable

Travaux en cours

Feedback, feedback, feedback .... so they know their time, effort and input is valued

Travaux en cours

I will work more actively with patients and seek greater patient involvement in designing and conducting research studies.

Travaux en cours

Deliver research that is important to and prioritised by patients

Travaux en cours

Enable more people to engage in public and patient involvement (PPI) Activities through our Take Part Be Involved in Research campaign

Travaux en cours

I will engage and listen to communities which we are not currently including and learn from them about how we can be more inclusive in healthcare research.

Travaux en cours

Visiting people I know with dementia

Travaux en cours

Being involved in patient involvement

Travaux en cours

Prenez l'engagement

Prenez un engagement envers les patients, un engagement concret en faveur d’un engagement significatif des patients.

Prenez l'engagement