850 Engagements trouvés

I commit to seeking patient voices in our process improvement

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I commit to communicating with patients with a focus on listening and secondary purpose of partnership in care.

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Meet Patient Organizacion frequently, be accesible for them

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Participate in strategic programs for them

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I will emphasize the importance of patient perspectives and descriptions of disease and treatment journeys and the value of qualitative methodologies in my practice as consultant to the pharmaceutical industry

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Oliver Sergeant

CEO at Meplis N.V. / Meplis Brasil Inteligência em Saúde Ltda.

I am committed to listed to feedback and ideas from patients and participants in our engagement platform. We will list and review progress on all feedback we receive at least once a week.

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Oliver Sergeant

CEO at Meplis N.V. / Meplis Brasil Inteligência em Saúde Ltda.

I am committed to invite patients to share their stories/testimonials from the start to attempt to better meet the needs of the patients when making business plans, project proposals or when designing patient engagement solutions,

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Oliver Sergeant

CEO at Meplis N.V. / Meplis Brasil Inteligência em Saúde Ltda.

In our technology Road map, I will make sure that patient communication and feedback becomes a cornerstone of our future development, implementing communication channels that can directly be implemented into development ideas. I am committed to always have at least 10% of new features and updates of every release will consists of improvements suggested and/or co-created with patients.

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Karlin Schroeder

Associate Vice President, Community Engagement

I commit to co-creating new models of patient engagement in research with patients. Together we can ensure patient needs and priorities are incorporated into all aspects of research.

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Prenez l'engagement

Prenez un engagement envers les patients, un engagement concret en faveur d’un engagement significatif des patients.

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