Patient Engagement Consultant
I will work with our contributors to develop training and resources to support them in their role.
Travaux en coursPatient Engagement Consultant
I will share learnings from our ongoing collaborations with industry through publications and presentations.
Travaux en coursPatient Experience & Partnership Lead
I am committed to give patients and caregivers access to information in order to engage actively with physicians in the treatment decision process.
Travaux en coursPatient-Powered Research | Design | Engagement
I will include representatives of the real patient community as key stakeholders and advisors in order to develop initiatives that are truly patient centered and engaging.
Travaux en coursPatient-Powered Research | Design | Engagement
I will help researchers develop clinical research communications programs that are truly engaging to the patient community that they serve, in order to improve awareness, interest, participation and adherence by a truly representative participant base.
Travaux en coursPatient-Powered Research | Design | Engagement
I will help companies develop programs and communications initiatives that are truly engaging to the patient community that they serve, in order to improve awareness, interest, participation, access, and/or uptake of meaningful advances in diagnosis and treatment.
Travaux en coursPatient-Powered Research | Design | Engagement
I will help researchers build alliances with key patient community stakeholders to speed the development, validation and uptake of diagnostic and treatment products and regimens that provide meaningful improvements to patients.
Travaux en coursPatient Focused Drug Development
Maintain my personal approach fundamental integrity, loyalty and ethics in all of my interactions and engagements with patient groups, panels, associations and the people I meet each and every day both personally and professionally. In listening with empathy and compassion and without judgment to the patient story and journey as well as the impact of their disease on themselves, their caregivers, family and friends, I seek to apply what I learn to the drug development process as well as the overall life cycle maintenance of quality, safe and effective therapies to ensure greater healthcare options for patients around the world.
Travaux en coursPatient Focused Drug Development
Facilitate cross industry stakeholder collaboration incorporating the patient and caregivers voice into the medicines lifecycle management process.