850 Commitments found
Cheryl Petruk

Being there for the journey of an MPN Patient

Work in progress

I am committed to co-creating materials and information about clinical trials for patients and the public with patients and the public.

Work in progress

I am committed to communicating with patients respectfully - taking in to account their points of view and valuing their thoughts and opinions.

Work in progress
Donnie Chambless

Listening is healing

Work in progress
Soren Eik Skovlund

Senior Researcher, Intl Advisor, People-Centered, Value-Based Healthcare

I involve individual patients in all my research studies before I write the protocol and throughout the research process. I listen and reflect so patients genuinely influence the aim, scope and set-up with the end goal of bettering care and outcomes in mind at all times. I take the time whenever the opportunity arises to have individual conversations with patients, to be in the present with them and to actively reflect on what new information I gain and how I can use that to improve my impact as an ambassador, chief patient officer, and researcher in the field of patient-centred innovation and people-centred healthcare. I do scientific patient surveys to enable the wider healthcare community to listen to the needs, priorities, wishes and ideas of not just a few patients but of large and diverse patient populations.

Work in progress
Soren Eik Skovlund

Senior Researcher, Intl Advisor, People-Centered, Value-Based Healthcare

I set up and host interactive patient workshops which bring diverse patient groups, including vulnerable populations together. The workshops educate and empower participants as they receive information and are invited to do homework to optimally share their priorities, insights and ideas with others at the workshops. I focus on enabling patients to empower each other, share ideas with one another and work creatively in multi-stakeholder environments to develop clarity on priorities and wishes to help guide national efforts. I involve patients as critical partners in the design of patient-relevant outcomes in the context of people-centred value based care.

Work in progress
Bruce Lavin

Seek Patient Feedback and Suggestions in creating External Engagement Strategies to impact patient health policies

Work in progress
Bruce Lavin

Work with patients to impact health policy

Work in progress
Bram Goorden

I talk to a patient at least once a week in order to stay close to the needs voiced for better care.

Work in progress

Take the Pledge

Make a Pledge to patients, a concrete commitment to meaningful patient engagement.

Take the Pledge