850 Engagements trouvés
Alec Pettifer

Patient Centric Insights for Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

I am committed to opening new channels, to connect, collaborate and co-create with relevant stakeholders, and to deliver value in ways never before possible.

Travaux en cours
Alec Pettifer

Patient Centric Insights for Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

I am committed to participating in initiatives to better communicate with patients. To accomplish this, I believe we must become better listeners. We must first hear patients in their own voice and on their own terms, then be willing to change ourselves in order to comprehend their unique patient journeys and deliver value.

Travaux en cours
Cheryl Petruk

Walking the journey with MPN Patients

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Graeme Johnston

Advisory Board Member at PFMD

As a patient Activist, I will listen to all stakeholders and seek to understand and represent the views of the patient everyman/everywoman

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Graeme Johnston

Advisory Board Member at PFMD

As a patient I will work with all stakeholders to create greater consistency of patient involvement throughout the drug development lifecycle.

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Graeme Johnston

Advisory Board Member at PFMD

I will be a vocal patient in the pursuit of better cross stakeholder integration

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I am committed to listening to patients' opinions and points of view on what materials and information they need with respect to clinical trials.

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Donnie Chambless

Listening is healing

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Soren Eik Skovlund

Senior Researcher, Intl Advisor, People-Centered, Value-Based Healthcare

I spend time every day communicating on behalf of and in support of patients. I educate about patient needs and advocate for putting patients first in all my communication activities, including when I co-author articles, train health care professionals, speak at congresses and meetings, chair and organise multi-stakeholder patient-centricity events, or partner with companies and organisations.

Travaux en cours

Prenez l'engagement

Prenez un engagement envers les patients, un engagement concret en faveur d’un engagement significatif des patients.

Prenez l'engagement